Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Need Inspiration

I need inspiration to get things done. I have always said that if I wanted to "get something big done" around our house, we have to have an "Event" scheduled to simply get us motivated to accomplish our larger goal(s). Well, today proved to me that I also need motivation to get even small tasks done. We had some friends stop by after school today, which I gladly welcomed (love you bw, cbw #1 and cbw #2) but when they left I realized some things were greatly out of place in my house. Such as...the placemats from the dining room table, 2 different sets, were on the floor under the table. Who would look there for the placemats? Also, I had 7 balls of different kinds and sizes in my den...every where you looked you could see an out of place ball (football small, football regular size, basketballs, plastic bowling ball, etc.) And I am the mother of 2 GIRLS! Not to mention I had (clean) laundry on my baby girls bed that was half folded, art work from school for the past few weeks on the kitchen counter, shoes and socks from today for my barefooted-yard-dog-precious-three-year-old-angel on the kitchen floor, and clothes hung over the dining room chairs put there to "dry" while we were at school today. Boy was I un-prepared for company, but BOY do I welcome it regardless of the condition of my home! Thanks for the inspiration BW and anyone who is wanting to stop by unexpectedly, feel free...just prepare yourself for what you might see!


  1. ....none of which I noticed. I would much rather go to a home where it is evident that everyone is happy and having fun that a "stiff" one where there is no joy. Enjoyed the visit! bbw

  2. A house is just a place where people live - a home is where people are loved!
