Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm a Collector...Are You?

I am a collector of sorts. Sure I collect "normal" things like Willow Tree angels, serving pieces (ceramic, acrylics, etc), stationary, gifts for giving and the like but I also collect other "things". For instance, open my kitchen utensil draw and you will find, among other things, three ziploc "collection" bags...one with tab tops from Coke type cans, one with "Box Tops", and one with Campbells labels. All of these items are collected by Emma's school for various purposes. It is so easy to do our part, and really has become addictive...Emma and I both look over our grocery items for the Box Tops and Campbells labels and we have even employed the grandparents on both sides to help with our efforts on all three collections! And I guess I would be fooling myself if I did not admit that I collect laundry too! Whether clean or dirty, I always seem to have lots of it! Got to go! I hear the rinse cycle on the washer! What do you collect?


  1. Cute little snow girls! Yes, I collect...I collect too much!

  2. I am not sure what I collect. Coupons, cards, "stuff". What do you really call it when it is just "stuff"? However, I do love looking in drawers, closets, and cabinets and wondering where did this "stuff" come from? However, I do not near have the COLLECTION that one woman in Ozark, Alabama on Periwinkle Lane has. YOU KNOW -now she COLLECTS a bunch of STUFF! LOL SHS
