It has been more than a week since my last post and I can't imagine why????? Could it be that the end of school and alllllllll that is involved with the end of school has been happening? Or could it be that we are at the ballpark for at least 2 nights a week? Or could it be that I have been full of joy from sharing all of this with my two sweet girls and have been able to serve others in special ways, all at the same time? I can honestly say, I have been multi-tasking lately and it feels great. Forget there is laundry to be done (LOTS of it) or that the kitchen floor needs to be swept. I love to be busy in the Lord's work and to be with my family/children which I also believe to be the Lord's work!
Mother's Day was such a blessing. We went to Destin on business with Chuck Thursday and Friday nights and stayed Saturday night as well on our own. It was a beautiful weekend for the beach. No BP-oil-spill-damage spotted where we were! My mother went with us for the weekend and although she really seemed to have a good time, she quickly headed home once we were back in Alabama! It is always fun to spend time with my girls and my mother because they just love being around her. I just sit back and watch most of the time. And I often wonder if she was ever embarrased by my behavior when I was a child when her mother was around, like I am sometimes embarrased by my girls behavior when she is around. I guess embarrased is a strong word but believe me, the girls in my family have strong personalities no matter if they are 3 years olds, 8 years old or 37 years old. We had a great time together! Thanks for hanging out with us mom!
For Mother's Day I got an ice cream maker from Chuck and the girls! I have mentioned buying one several times for the summer and obviously they were listening! And Chuck doesn't ever do something in a "normal" manner...I mean this looks like a wopper of an ice cream maker! I will let you know when I perfect an ice cream recipe! Ella made a poem/card at school with her handprints and another card with flower seeds on it saying how her love for me grows and grows and grows! If that precious angel told me Happy Mother's Day once, she said it 1,000 times Sunday! I love her to death! Emma was so proud of her gift for me that she made at school. It was a flower pot with her fingerprints made into ladybugs and a poem about what it takes to be a "#1 Mom"...and according to her, I have what it takes! Oh, how little she knows at 8! She is my best friend and I love her sooooo much! I even got a card in the mail from my best friends children wishing me a Happy Mother's Day too which was a nice surprise! Lots of beautiful well wishes on my Mother's Day 2010.
I read a post from my friend Tonja that told about all of the special women in her life that she was thinking about on Mother's Day and it made me think back to my grandmother, my mom's mom. For as long as I knew her, she was blind. She had been blinded as an adult by diabetes complications. Her name was Louise or grandmama. I remember many trips to Greenville to see her and my grandfather who still lives there, and as we would leave we circled the backyard driveway and she would stand at the top of the back stairs (about 15 steps or so) and wave at us...I remember my mother crying as we would leave most of the times and now I understand why. Grandmama would stand there waving and not even be able to see us but she loved us so much and was so glad to "see" us and have us visit that she stood there until we were well down the street and out of "sight". I wish I could go back to her house and see her standing there again waving. She was an awesome women and even though I was only in the 9th grade when she died I know she was great. When she died I learned that her full name was Emma Louise and from then on I said that my first daughter would be named after her, and that is exactly what I did. Talk about a woman who made an impact on me! I can cry just thinking about her on those back steps, or on her birthday which I always try to remember to talk about with my mother (March 10th), or whenever I call Emma by her full name.
Thank you to all the wonderful female "motherly" influences in my life! I need all the help and positive encouragement I can get! You guys rock!